Jackson State University’s primary objective in licensing and commercializing technology is to maximize the likelihood that products based on the technology will reach the market and have a positive impact on the lives of people.
Name of Technology: Method for Obtaining A Composite Coating on Titanium Implants for Tissue Engineering
Patent #6,541,196
Name of Technology: Method for Measuring Camp Extra-celluary
Inventor(s): Dr. Ernest Izevbigie
College: Science, Engineering and Technology
Patent #6,849,604
Name of Technology: Phytochemotherapy for Cancer
Inventor(s): Dr. Ernest Izevbigie
College: Science, Engineering and Technology
Name of Technology: Mammalian Agmatinase Inhibitory Substance
Inventor(s): Dr. John Piletz, Dr. Ming-Ju Huang, Dr. Kenneth Lee
College: Science, Engineering and Technology
If you are interested in our technologies or would like more information on intellectual property at Jackson State University, please contact:
Almesha L. Campbell, Ph.D.
Director of Technology Transfer and Commercialization
P. O. Box 17057
Jackson, MS 39217
Telephone: 601-979-1815
E-mail: technologytransfer@1acart.com
Technology transfer and commercialization refer to the process of transferring technology developed in academic or research institutions to the private sector for the purpose of creating a product or service that can be sold in the market. This process involves identifying potential technologies or innovations, assessing their commercial potential, and then transferring the technology to a company or entrepreneur who can bring it to market. The goal of technology transfer and commercialization is to promote economic growth and job creation by turning cutting-edge research into commercial products and services. Additionally, it helps in the development of new technologies, products and services which can be beneficial for society as a whole.